Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Write Like H.P. Lovecraft

I write like
H. P. Lovecraft
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

So apparently I write like H.P. Lovecraft. I 'm not quite sure if that's a good or bad thing because he was a pretty epic writer. But he was also prone to purple-prose. And throughout the vast majority of the writing world, purple-prose is frowned upon. I love H.P. Lovecraft, don't get me wrong. But I really love his stories and plot-lines, and his unique sense of horror, not his writing style, which can get tiresome after a while. I barely made it through At the Mountains of Madness (but I'm very glad I stuck it through, because that story was amazing). But again, the prose was less so.

Lovecraft's prose might have been sufficient back then, but in today's writing landscape you've got to get rid of any inclination to use adverbs. And most people like it when sentences are succinct, short and simple, and you get the point across in fewer words. Which, unfortunately, is not Lovecraft.

Then again, I guess I should be proud that the internet thinks I write like one of my literary idols. And don't get me wrong, I am... to an extent. But I think this is telling me I need to work on my writing a bit more, make it more sharp. In the meantime I'm going to play around with this website and see what other great literary figures my writing can dare to be compared.

Edit: I've been playing around with the website and it seems like the author I get compared to the most is Stephen King. Hmm... I'm a little happier about that.